Great game but when I updated to iOS 8 it stopped working.
Great game but when I updated to iOS 8 it stopped working.
Every time crash when open game :(
My favourite iOS game is back better than ever! It seems to be running a lot more smooth and the gameplay is even better experience. Worth waiting these ca. 4 months!
After finishing Rally Australia 2 it sends you back to Australia 1. Does not let you further. Please fix it or give me back my money!
Is there ever gonna be an update for this? Cmon guys! Were waiting for it. Great game!
I use iPad Air first generation. You killed this game! Give me my old 30 fps
Game very good, but i cant finished Australia, not open next level cup. Fix this bug plz. I want continue my game, i buy it. HELP.
Game is full of bugs, beware
Finally an update! It now runs on my new iPhone 6+ I need to play more! I realized we need customizable touch controls. Id like to be able to adjust steering sensitivity for touch and placement of buttons as well as size of buttons for both steering and gas/brake/ebrake. More view options like in car view needed. Vehicle customizable options needed for ride height and damping as well as power increase and decrease and tall or shortening of gears. If you devs DO read this please take into account there is NO game for rally/WRC on this level for the mobile device. YOUR game is the best hands down. It totally smashed the new WRC that recently debuted by far. I cant believe the age of this game and its still the best. Now please either make another update or create another game. Colin McRae 2!!! I want more cars, more stages, CUSTOMIZABILITY PLEASE!
I really miss playing DiRT and GRiD on PC but no longer have a PC powerful enough to play it. I love this and can not wait for more. Please buy it! Its awesome. Edit 2: I still love it but Im ready for DiRt or GRiD to be ported to iPad 4 and iPhone 6 plus. Lets try this new Feb. 11th update.
Purchased the game months ago and wasnt even able to start it.... Ipad mini w/ retina
Out of all the offroad racing games on the app store, this one has the most realistic car handling. I do wish theyd add MFi controller support, though the touch controls work as well as touch controls can.
Now bring us Dirt 3!!! iOS is ready!!!!! **UPDATE** I dont know why some players are having issues getting app to run? I have no issues on my iPhone 5 other then some slight frame rate drop here and there. My phone is almost completely out of storage so I attribute the issue to that. What hardware and iOS version are you running the app on? UPDATE: 2-13-15 Finally runs on my iPhone 6 Plus! When will we get controller support?
I payed an immense sum of money to be able to play this game. Ok well it felt immense. I the realized that I could not play it on my iTouch 4 and deleted it for at least a year. Recently I got an iPhone 5 and went to find this game. I was really annoyed that the game that I had payed for was taken off the store. But then today I found the updated version and started playing. To the devs, more all round customizability and better graphics please. But other wise nothing compares to it. It is amazing and I fully recommend getting this app. GO GET IT NOW.
I love seeing a classic play station game I loved playing on the iPad now, thanks, I hope to see the rest in the series soon.
Left and right arrows are not granular enough to navigate most turns and leave you car pitched in the corners. Great rendition of the game and classic name. Also no way to turn off music. Make a slider for steering! Also thin fences can bring a car from 100 to 0?
If you want a good racing game with no strings attached then download this.
Not as sophisticated as a lot of console rally games in that there are no options to tune your car, but stages are long and racing well requires finesse and care. Arcade style in that your car gets damaged but really doesnt have a huge effect on driving. Satisfying racer for the money. There are no ads in this version. The downside is there is no diversity in track style or weather. Get ready to drive essentially the same track 24+ times before unlocking another car, then doing it again before opening a new level.
when I try championship mode the game crashes . Other wise great game.
I win the stage, yet the next stage doesnt open! Giving up on it until its fixed.